It may seem like you have been waiting for this moment forever. It is one of those big stepping stones in life. A purchase that makes you feel like you have finally become a real adult. Buying a home—especially your first home—is a moment you will always remember. Just like when you purchased your first car. However, before you make your move and start house shopping, there is one big first step you mustn’t forget: the home loan. Read on →

We all know – when it rains, it pours! If the car breaks down, the washer and dryer will break. A pipe in your house just won’t freeze, it will burst (because that is just the kind of luck you have). Nothing can ever seem to be an easy fix when you do not have the funds available, placing even more stress on your shoulders. Wouldn’t it be nice if when an emergency did strike, you could breathe easy knowing you had the funds to cover the cost? Read on →

Do you have a goal this year to own a home? What about buy a new car? While these items are great, there is one thing you need to make sure you have going for you before you start your shopping spree—a high credit score! Improve Your Credit Score Today! In terms of credit scores, a 620-680 might be considered “acceptable,” but a 740 and higher is excellent and can certainly help you obtain a loan at a wonderful interest rate! Read on →

While some people are making resolutions to lose weight, earn a promotion at work, or possibly start their own business, maybe 2016 should be the year you resolve to save money in order to purchase your first home! Start Saving Today! Do you know you want to own a home in 2016, but are not quite sure where to start when saving money for the down payment? Here are some tips to get you started! Read on →

A new year comes around every 12 months. And with that, comes a chance to make a brand new start. In true tradition, this is usually when the famous “New Year’s Resolutions” are made. However, when making your list, which will more than likely include the common favorites (i.e., get healthy, lose weight, become more organized, etc.), do not forget to add some financial resolutions, as well. Add These Resolutions to Your List! Read on →

In today’s society, we may not know where everything is, but one thing we do know the location of at all times (ok - most) is our cell phone. We communicate, pay bills, surf the Internet, shop, etc., all through our mobile device nowadays. It seems there is nothing we cannot do with a smartphone, which is why we are so excited to be offering mobile banking to our customers! Read on →

We have many relationships in our lives. A relationship with relatives. A relationship with friends. A relationship with our colleagues. Even a relationship with our bank. So, how do you find the perfect bank for your business? Is the Bank Healthy? Just like we need to make sure to keep ourselves healthy, our bank needs to exemplify good health, as well—especially in today’s financial world. Therefore, do your research, and see if they have adequate liquidity, as well as have posted a profit for more quarters within the year than not. Read on →