2016 Is the Year for Financial Resolutions!

A new year comes around every 12 months. And with that, comes a chance to make a brand new start. In true tradition, this is usually when the famous “New Year’s Resolutions” are made. However, when making your list, which will more than likely include the common favorites (i.e., get healthy, lose weight, become more organized, etc.), do not forget to add some financial resolutions, as well.

Add These Resolutions to Your List!

Resolutions are a good thing to have each year. They give you goals for the New Year. Resolutions give you something to strive for in life. They don’t have to be something that you will fail in a month. Make 2016 the year you succeed in accomplishing your resolutions – especially the financial ones.

Here are some ideas to consider when making your financial resolution list.

THINK! You are probably thinking, “I think every day! How is this a financial resolution?” Well, start really focusing in on your budget and how much you spend. You might just be surprised about how much you really spend on items, such as groceries, entertainment, cable, etc. Start thinking before you spend, and do what you can to save. Do you really need to see a movie every weekend or grab a Starbucks every other day?

Say goodbye to the things you no longer use. The time has come to declutter your life. Go through each and every room. Sort unneeded items into piles, such as a box that can go to charity, a throw-away pile, etc. And while the items that go to charity can help a person in need, donating them can also give you a tax write-off. A win for the finances – and the heart!

Pay off debts! Financial debt is a huge point of stress for any person. Get the financial baggage off your shoulders by really sitting down and making a plan to get the debt gone in 2016. Some ways to do that are: get rid of your car payment by selling and buying another car with cash; cut back on your extracurricular spending; or eat in instead of out.

Are you ready to set up a savings account? Contact us today to see how we can help make that resolution happen!