Raise your hand if you are one of the many Americans ready to retire? The team at First Volunteer Bank wants to help you get to the point where you can walk away from your career and into the next stage of your life—retirement. However, there are a couple of things you need to do first. Your Retirement To-do List For starters, do you know your net worth? It’s important to create a balance sheet that lists your assets (including personal possessions like cash and real estate) and liabilities (such as debts). Read on →

The team at First Volunteer Bank wants to know how many times your grandparents have tried to give you advice on how to save money. How many of their tips have you tried? Perhaps you tried to do what they advised, but it didn’t really work out for you the way they said it would. Do you want to know why? It’s because saving in the past isn’t exactly like saving money today. Read on →

If you’re like our team at First Volunteer Bank, you’ve probably thought of what you’d do with some extra money. Purchase a new car, pay off a credit card, renovate your master bathroom, go on a vacation, start an emergency fund and so on. But you don’t have to imagine any more, because you can save and end up with more money sooner rather than later. Here’s how! What Would You Do With All Your Savings? Read on →

You don’t have to wait until you are 21 years of age to start building credit. Our team at First Volunteer Bank wants to help you establish good money habits in your student now so that he or she can have his or her credit score in solid shape from the get-go. Boost Your Credit Young When we talk to our children about money, we usually make sure the topics of budget, savings, emergency fund, etc. Read on →

First Volunteer Bank doesn’t want you to be the next victim of identity theft, which is we are offering these tips to help keep you safe. Identity Theft 101 Identity theft usually begins with some form of identification or credit information being taken from the victim. Here are some ways to lower your risk of identity theft: • Avoid carrying personal information in your wallet or purse. If you can help it, keep your social security card, as well as the majority of your credit cards, at home in a secured safe. Read on →

You want to have fun in the sun this summer, and our team at First Volunteer Bank has some tips to help you save for the summer of your dreams! Easy Ways to Save for Summer Now that we’re starting to see warmer days mixed in with cold ones, you’ve probably been back and forth raising and lowering the thermostat in your house. Stop. This is only costing you more money. Read on →

Have you already been making plans on how to use your tax refund? Before you spend the money the IRS just deposited in your account, consider some ways you could put your refund to good use. Be Money Wise This Tax Season You aren’t alone. We wait all year for our tax refund to spend on our “wants.” But what if this year, you tried something different? Rather than spending it on materialistic items, try using the money toward the future, such as: Read on →

The beginning of a new year is a time for everyone to stop and evaluate the past year and how they can make improvements to make the new year even better. One thing you might be looking at is your vehicle. Is it on its last leg (or wheel)? Does the work it needs cost more than what the car is worth? Or maybe you have a wonderful car, but it doesn’t fit your lifestyle anymore? Read on →

It’s easy to blame the state of your finances on your job not paying you enough or prices going up at restaurants and stores. However, they may not be completely to blame for your financial difficulties. The problem might be looking back at you in the mirror. But the good thing is, when learning from your money mistakes, you will take better control of your finances. Turn Your Bad Habits Into Good Ones Read on →

During the holiday season, did it feel as if you didn’t have nearly enough space? Have you been on the fence about purchasing a new home for a while? Check out these signs to tell if you’re ready to make a change in 2017 and move into a new home. On the Move During a new start to a new year, many people take the opportunity to throw out the old and start something new, by making healthy resolutions or conquering an obstacle they’ve been putting off. Read on →