Tips to Improve Your Credit Score | First Volunteer Bank
Are you in the market for a new home or car? Perhaps you are looking to consolidate debt in order to pay off your debts sooner rather than later?
No matter what type of loan you are looking for, one thing is for sure. You need a good credit score in order to obtain the best interest rate.
Our team at First Volunteer Bank wants to offer some suggestions to help you boost your credit score this year so you can score a great interest rate on your next mortgage or personal loan.
Moving Your Credit Score on Up!
Let’s take a look at some ways you can start moving your credit score in the right direction.
First, when was the last time you took a good look at your credit report? If it’s been awhile, now would be a good time to sit down and ensure there is nothing incorrect listed on your report that could be hurting your score.
If you do happen to find an error listed on your credit report, you want to make sure you contact the credit bureau immediately in order to get the error (or errors) removed as soon as possible.
Second, you want to make sure you are paying your monthly bills on time. Set up automatic payments to help ensure you don’t miss paying a bill.
Or if you’re good about sending a check in the mail, do so as soon as it arrives in the mail instead of waiting until the due date. That way you ensure it arrives in plenty of time.
Finally, you want to make sure you pay down your debt as much as possible. By reducing the amount of debt you owe overall, you’re setting yourself up for a better credit score.
Did you know that we could help with your mortgage or home equity line of credit? Visit First Volunteer Bank today to learn more.