Stay in a 'Financial' State of Mind

If 2016 didn’t financially go the way you hoped, it’s OK. A new year is about to begin, which means a new start to tackling money troubles and ending next year on a more financially successful note.

Change Your Way of Thinking

Sometimes it isn’t necessarily how much money you make that’s the issue. Money problems tend to start in how you think about money. As a result, sometimes all you need to do is change your way of thinking.

Start by creating a financial calendar for 2017. Because your monthly bills are usually due the same day of every month, you can go ahead and mark the days you have a bill due. Also, use your financial calendar to set up bimonthly “financial” dates with yourself where you can go over your budget and make adjustments as needed. Making an appointment with yourself and reviewing your finances helps keep you accountable.

When paying off debt, pay off the higher-interest debts first. Then once one debt is paid in full, move on to the next. However, don’t forget to always pay at least the minimum on the other debts. You don’t want a single bill to go unpaid, as that will directly negatively affect your finances.

Be sure to set goals for your money, too. What do you hope to accomplish in 2017? Do you want all your debt paid off by December? Or do you want to have a more established emergency account set up for the unexpected events life throws at us? It’s important to have goals in order to keep yourself motivated financially.

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