Protect Your Identity

It is one of the worst feelings in the world. You gather your things to check out, and when you reach the cashier to pay for the items, you are told your card is declined. You know there should be money in your account because you were just paid a couple of days ago. The cashier tries again, and still, your card is declined. How can that be? Chances are, your identity has been stolen.

Protect Your Finances

According to, more than 15 million people living in the United States have had their identities stolen. Avoid being one of them by taking into consideration the following tips and taking action against those who commit identity theft:

When shopping or banking online, protect your information. Technology has made it easy for us to shop and bank at the click of a button. And while this makes life easier on us, it can also make life easier for a hacker. Therefore, do not keep your login information on the computer. Just go ahead and forget about that “Remember Me” button, and take the extra minutes to type in your login and password information each time.

Pay attention to your statements. Identity thieves are counting on you to receive your statement and just pay your bill immediately. The best way you can take action against them is to catch them at the earliest purchase possible. Therefore, check every statement that comes in the mail to make sure every purchase adds up. It can also be very helpful to check your bank account online regularly. If you notice a purchase has been made, but you have not used that card recently at that location, be sure to notify the the bank as soon as possible!

Contact us today to learn more about how we aim to keep your finances secure with our account options, including online banking.