Make Financial Health a Family Affair! | First Volunteer Bank

Family Wellness Month is this May. And our team at First Volunteer Bank wants you to consider working to improve not only your family’s physical wellness, but your financial health, too!

Stepping Toward Financial Freedom

There’s no one-size-fits-all when it comes to financial health. But there are certain habits that can benefit everyone.

Take a look at some ways you can start establishing healthy habits when it comes to your family’s financial health.

First, make sure you aren’t regularly spending more than you’re making.

Do you feel as though you are living paycheck to paycheck more often than not? What are some ways your family can make things easier to make ends meet?

If finding a new job with a better salary isn’t a viable option, consider what steps you can take to make your family more financially comfortable. Watch your spending habits—eat out less often, cut back on unnecessary purchases and play the waiting game when it comes to big purchases.

Second, establish a savings account as a family, where everyone can pitch in and help save for an upcoming family vacation or a new television for the family room.

Whether you want to set individual goals for what each family member can save or just aim to save a certain amount as a family, this type of goal can help kids learn about the importance of saving and the value of a dollar.

Finally, don’t hesitate to make one day a week a no spending day for the entire family. On that day, no one is allowed to spend. So, if you’re bored, you’ll have to get creative for entertainment!

Perhaps go for a hike or create an obstacle course in the backyard. You will find that when you get creative as a family, it not only helps to save money but also improves relationships between family members. That’s a win!

Make saving for the future a family affair! Give First Volunteer Bank a call today to learn which of our savings account options best suits your family’s needs.