Improve Your Finances

So you made some financial resolutions back in January that you haven’t quite hit yet. Instead of giving up and telling yourself you’ll just try again next year, start taking the steps that you should have completed a couple months ago. Who knows? You could still meet your end-of-year goal.

2016 Isn’t Over Yet

Don’t lose hope if you feel there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. There are still many opportunities to get your finances back on track, even starting as soon as today!

First, think about why you haven’t met your financial goals for this year yet. Is there something holding you back? Did an unexpected medical bill come up that you are having problems paying off? Or maybe you got a little too comfortable and started spending more instead of saving more? No matter what the reason, recognize the issue so that you know what to do to overcome it.

Next, get a NEW game plan in place! So, the original plan didn’t work out. Big deal. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Maybe there were some things in the original plan that need to be tweaked in order to be successful in your finances. Look at your budget. (If you don’t have one, create one!) Did you leave a monthly expense out? Maybe you didn’t accurately calculate how much you spend on groceries or other bills each month and are now going over your budget? Figure out a new strategy that can work better for you and your family.

Last, don’t forget to separate! If you see it, you have more of a tendency to spend it. Opening a personal checking and savings account can help you not spend the money you are trying to save! Set it up so that a certain amount of money automatically deposits in your savings account, so that you literally will not see the money in your checking account before it hits savings. You don’t want to be your own obstacle to financial freedom!

We want to help you reach your financial goals this year. Contact us today to learn about our personal checking and personal saving account options!