Be a Better Spender

We have all been there. Made that extra purchase we didn’t necessarily need to make. Maybe we received extra on a paycheck and went crazy at the shopping mall one weekend. Perhaps you went a little overboard on your child’s first birthday party—did you really need to buy ALL those toys when you know the only thing they want to play with is the box? No matter what the reason, we have all been guilty of spending more than we should in a given month … week … or possibly even day!

Manage Your Money like a Pro

Here are some ways to make sure your spending doesn’t go completely out of control:

Credit cards. Credit cards are a wonderful thing when used wisely. They help us build enough credit to one day get a personal loan, buy a new car, or even own a home. However, if proper responsibility is not taken, credit cards can be a foe. Use credit cards to your advantage by keeping expenses to a minimum and paying off the balance in full each month. This can help prevent you from paying extra in balance fees, as well as help your credit score to remain high—which will, in turn, cause you to receive lower interest rates when making big purchases, like a home.

Clip coupons. It is crazy how much you can save on your everyday items by just clipping coupons each week. Have you ever been behind someone at the grocery store who has a binder full? Yes, you want to be her. Sure, it may cause you to take a few extra minutes in line and require a little planning at home, but this small effort is priceless compared to the money you can save. And if you have to buy paper towels anyway, why not purchase them for as cheaply as possible?!

Did you know that our CardValet allows customers to better control their debit card spending? Contact us today to learn more about our mobile app that helps you manage your money while on the go!