Back-to-School Budgeting Tips for Parents | First Volunteer Bank

The team at First Volunteer Bank wants to go ahead and discuss the elephant in the room—back-to-school shopping.

While the topic of another school year starting has been ignored this summer, it’s time to start discussing it. By getting out in front of shopping, you’ll help keep your budget from taking a hit.

The Sooner the Better for Back-to-School Shopping

Tax-free weekend in Tennessee is happening a little earlier than usual—it begins at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, July 27, and ends on Sunday, July 29, at 11:59 p.m.

During this time period, you will be able to take advantage of purchasing certain items tax-free, including:

  • Clothing: Items costing $100 or less
  • Computers: $1,500 or less
  • School supplies and school art supplies: Items costing $100 or less

However, don’t think you have to wait until tax-free weekend to start your back-to-school shopping. Go ahead and write down a list of all the basics you know your child will need for school and start collecting those items when you see a deal.

If you’re worried you won’t have the money for back-to-school purchases, host a yard sale to help bring in additional income to cover the costs.

Chances are that other parents are in a similar situation. Therefore, if there are clothes your children can no longer wear that fit into dress code, check into selling them to other parents.

And vice versa. Check out local yard sales, especially closer to the first day of school, to grab up deals on back-to-school clothes and other items.

No matter what your financial need, First Volunteer Bank offers solutions that can help. Visit the First Volunteer Bank website today to learn more.